Documentation of installation.
Walk-thru of installation.
Prototype of holographic bird in gas station.
Prototype of computer generated mice running through rafters of gas station.
Prototype of pneumatic robot cat, running at about half speed, in studio.
An early prototype of holographic bird in studio.
Come Again
2014, computer-controlled installation
Custom computer applications, motors, microcontrollers, air compressor, modified electric scooter, pneumatic robot, video projectors
Mini Mart City Park and Sutton Beres Culler are proud to present 'Come Again', a site-specific installation created by Artist-In-Residence Brent Watanabe. Taking inspiration from and reacting to the abandoned gas station on the park property, Watanabe will reanimate the structure with mechanical and computer-generated vermin, garbage, and squatters.
Computer generated mice swarm the exposed rafters overhead, scurrying in a video game frenzy of eating, multiplying, scoring, and dying. Below them on the bare cement floor, a robotic dog struggles to pull itself through a hole in the back door, chained to lawn furniture in the back yard. A pneumatic cat hisses and lunges at a window, running through it's 9 lives again and again, while a plastic take out bag wheezes amidst garbage strewn about the space. Atop a large drift of garbage in the corner a holographic bird hovers and tugs, tied down and unable to pull free. 'Come Again' works like a large video game. Each character's computer-controlled behavior affects the entire show. A particularly bad mouse plague can throw the cat into a frenzy, which will cause the dog to struggle even more to get in, which frightens the bird, which...
Mini Mart City Park, Seattle, WA